Municipal heat planning

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Strategic heat planning for a sustainable future

The city of Kamp-Lintfort, a university town with around 40,000 inhabitants in North Rhine-Westphalia, is aiming for a climate-neutral heat supply by 2040. In order to achieve this goal and meet the climate protection targets by 2045, the town needs a municipal heating plan as a strategic instrument. This plan should incorporate local conditions, potential and stakeholders and form the basis for planning and managing the heating transition at municipal level.

To achieve this ambitious goal, we have developed a multi-stage approach that meets all the legal requirements of the Heat Planning Act (WPG) and the Local Authorities Directive. Our approach comprises the following steps:

  1. Suitability test: analysis of the existing structures and framework conditions in Kamp-Lintfort in order to precisely record the initial situation.
  2. Inventory analysis: Detailed recording of the current heat demand, the existing supply infrastructure and the building structure.
  3. Potential analysis: Identification of renewable energy sources and efficiency potential to reduce CO₂ emissions.
  4. Development of consumption and supply scenarios: Creation of various scenarios for the future heat supply, taking into account technological developments and political framework conditions.
  5. Identification of suitable areas: Determination of areas that are particularly suitable for the expansion of heating networks or for individual supplies.
  6. Development of a heat transition strategy: Development of a strategic concept with concrete measures and recommendations for action to successfully implement the heat transition.

Throughout the entire process, we use a modern, integrated platform that acts as a digital twin. This platform not only enables efficient planning, but also supports implementation. By digitally mapping all relevant data and processes, we can react flexibly to changes and continuously optimize planning.
Our strategy relies on the close involvement of local stakeholders. Through workshops and regular exchanges, we ensure that the specific needs and expectations of citizens, companies and institutions in Kamp-Lintfort are taken into account. In this way, we create acceptance and promote active participation in shaping the local heating transition.
The combination of in-depth analysis, state-of-the-art technology and a participatory approach enables us to create a heating plan that is not only theoretically sound, but also practically feasible. We attach particular importance to ensuring that the proposed measures are economically viable and socially acceptable. We take funding opportunities into account and develop financing concepts to make implementation as cost-efficient as possible for the city.Throughout the entire process, we use a modern, integrated platform that acts as a digital twin. This platform not only enables efficient planning, but also supports implementation. By digitally mapping all relevant data and processes, we can react flexibly to changes and continuously optimize planning.
Our strategy relies on the close involvement of local stakeholders. Through workshops and regular exchanges, we ensure that the specific needs and expectations of citizens, companies and institutions in Kamp-Lintfort are taken into account. In this way, we create acceptance and promote active participation in shaping the local heating transition.
The combination of in-depth analysis, state-of-the-art technology and a participatory approach enables us to create a heating plan that is not only theoretically sound, but also practically feasible. We attach particular importance to ensuring that the proposed measures are economically viable and socially acceptable. We take funding opportunities into account and develop financing concepts to make implementation as cost-efficient as possible for the city.

Solution + implementation

Our structured approach enabled us to create a comprehensive municipal heating plan for Kamp-Lintfort. The use of the digital twin made it possible to consistently map the results of all processing phases and keep them up to date at all times. We identified suitable areas for heating networks and developed detailed implementation concepts for prioritized areas. A catalog of measures with prioritized measures and timelines serves as a practical guide for the next steps. This plan provides the city with a solid basis for actively shaping the heating transition and achieving its climate protection goals.

Added value

Customized heat conversion strategy

Individually tailored to Kamp-Lintfort, involving local potential and stakeholders.

Efficient implementation through digital tools
The digital twin enables efficient planning and effectively supports implementation.

Feedback / Conclusion

With the creation of the municipal heating plan, Kamp-Lintfort has taken a decisive step towards a climate-neutral future. Our holistic and participatory approach has resulted in a practical plan that is supported by all relevant stakeholders. The town is now ideally equipped to successfully implement the heat transition and achieve a climate-neutral heat supply by 2040. We are proud to be part of this pioneering project and to be contributing to the sustainable transformation of the heating sector.

The evety GmbH team provided the city of Kamp-Lintfort with outstanding support in the development of the municipal heat planning, both in terms of content and organization, with great personal commitment and motivation. evety GmbH has developed into a reliable partner for us in the work process, with whom the cooperation is characterized by sovereignty and a high quality of work.

Christopher Tittmann, climate protection manager for the city of Kamp-Lintfort